BCC Corporate Address Search

SinglePoint Search Basics


Searching in SinglePoint is simple: type the address, or part of the address you wish to search for in the search box and hit Enter or click on the Search button, and SinglePoint will search for addresses that are relevant to your query.

Most of the time you'll find exactly what you were looking for with just a basic query. However the following tips can help you refine your technique to make the most of your searches. Throughout the article, we'll use square brackets [ ] to signal queries, so [ HIGH STREET and GUILDFORD ] is one query, while [ HIGH STREET ] and [ GUILDFORD ] are two..

Some basic facts

  • Every word matters. Generally, all the words you put in the query will be used.

  • Search is always case insensitive. Searching for [ high street ] is the same as searching for [ HIGH STREET ].

  • Punctuation is mainly ignored (that is, you can't search for @#$^()=+[]\ and other special characters).

  • Some adapters e.g. NLPG & LLPG also allow the following:

    • Wild cards can be used to help your search, use "%" for a wild card e.g. [ GUIL% ]

    • Use NOT or "~" to exclude certain words e.g. "ARGOS SURREY NOT WEYBRIDGE" will find all Argos stores in Surrey except for the ones in Weybridge

    • Use AND or "&" to limit your search e.g. "ARGOS SURREY AND HIGH" will find all Argos stores in Surrey with High in the address

    • Use OR or "|" to refine your search e.g. "ARGOS WOKING OR WEYBRIDGE" will find all Argos stores in Woking or Weybridge

Guidelines for better searching

  • Keep it simple. If you're looking for a particular address, just enter its name or number and postcode if you know it, or as much of the address as you can recall. If you're looking for a particular company start with its name. Most queries do not require advanced operators or unusual syntax. Simple is good.

  • Use the advanced search when needed. If you prefer to search for addresses by typing the street address, town, and postcode separately then use the advanced search, this will be just as quick to search and more likely to return the addresses you are looking for.

Using the Advanced Search

Search Fields Explained

Field Description
UPRN Unique Property Reference Number - A 12-digit number that uniquely identifies a property nationally.
USRN Unique Street Reference Number - An 8-digit reference number which uniquely defines a street nationally.
Organisation The organisation from the Local Authority.
Sub Building Name / Number The number, name or description used to identify a child property within a larger building or factory. It may be within the same premises such as a flat in a house or a sub-unit in a factory.
Street The name or description for the street where the property resides.
Locality The locality in which the Street resides.
Town The town in which the Street resides.
Postcode The postcode for the property as provided by the Royal Mail.
Postcode Locator The postcode based on where the property is located.
Language The language used for the descriptive identifier or the property, either English or Welsh.
Status The current life-cycle state of a property. Approved = A Live property; Alternative = A property that has an alias; Provisional = A property that is being built; Historic = A property that no longer exists; Candidate = This is no longer used.
Cross Reference A cross reference is a link to a 3rd Party system’s record for the same address.
Classification The classification identifies the use to which the property is being put i.e. is it a Residential or Commercial property. It is also used to classify Land, Military buildings or Objects of Interest etc. There can be up to four levels of classification for a property.
Easting The X co-ordinate representing the visual centre of the property.
Northing The Y co-ordinate representing the visual centre of the property.
Unit The unit of distance you wish to use in conjunction with the Distance entry. This can be Meter, Foot, Mile or KM.
Distance The radial distance from the supplied Easting & Northing within which you wish to return addresses.


LPI Description
UPRN Land and Property Identifiers (LPIs) are names such as street addresses or building names which are used to identify every property in the gazetteer.
DPA The Delivery Point Address (DPA) is supplied by the Royal Mail for properties which receive post.
Local Only Locally Owned Properties or Data are records that have been created by your Authority and do not form part of the AddressBase Premium data set.

SinglePoint Search iManage DB Version on SQL Server Copyright © Aligned Assets Limited 2009 - 2024
The data accessed on this website is held as the Authority's LLPG Gazetteer.
For any enquiries regarding the data you should speak to a member of the Gazetteer team on 0121 303 7493/7687.